Toy Distribution
Christmas! That time of the year which is all about joy… Children await it for the joy of receiving new toys and feel loved, while grown-ups anticipate the joy of giving and making their loved ones feel loved.
Since childhood, Prabhuji has paid attention that in this joyful time, there are some children that cannot feel this happiness and excitement, simply because their parents cannot afford to buy them new toys. When he grew a bit older he could feel the pain in the hearts of the parents that cannot make their chidden happy on this day.
Feeling their pain deep in his heart, Prabhuji resolved that one day he will help such families to fill this day with happiness.
This was the birth of the Prabhuji Toy Distribution Program.
In this program, we distribute toys to our community children and especially to those families that could not afford it otherwise.
Every year, on the day before Christmas Eve, Prabhuji Ashram is loaded with more than a hundred happy, smiling children and their loving parents, their hands are filled with toys and our hearts are overloaded with gratitude to Prabhuji that initiated such a heart touching project and to the Divine that allowed us to serve Him and cheer up so many souls.