The Program
The Prabhuji Food Distribution Program was founded in 2014 by Prabhuji, H.H. Avadhuta Yogacharya Ramakrishnananda Babaji. It is serving the residents of Greene County and the surrounding areas with fresh free food on a weekly basis.
The program is operated by the Monastic disciples of the Prabhuji Ashram with the help of our amazing team of local volunteers. It was founded by Prabhuji with the utterance of the following statement:
“No one around the Avadhutashram should go hungry”.
Prabhuji has envisioned the program with two main objectives:
1. To offer service to the Divine who is present within every living being:
In the Bhagavad-gita (15:15) Krishna says:
The Prabhuji Food Distribution program is an expression of the recognition of every soul as an expression of the Divine. Offering food and supporting people is an opportunity to offer service to the Divine.
2. To help distribute more evenly the resources of mother earth:
In Hinduism the earth is counted as one of the 7 mothers of the universe, whom one should deeply respect:
ātma-mātā guroḥ patnī
brāhmaṇī rāja-patnikā
dhenur dhātrī tathā pṛthvī
saptaitā mātaraḥ smṛtāḥ
“One’s own mother, the wife of the guru, the wife of a Brāhmaṇa (priest), the wife of a king, the cow, the nurse, and the earth are known as the seven mothers.”
(attributed to Cāṇakya Paṇḍita)
Mother Earth is a mother as well as a Goddess.
The prithvi-suktam of the atharva veda says:
Satyam Brhad-Rtam-Ugram Diikssaa Tapo Brahma Yajnyah Prthiviim Dhaarayanti
Saa No Bhuutasya Bhavayasya Patny
Urum Lokam Prthivii Nah Krnnotu
She, Who is to us the Consort of the Past and the Future (being its witness), May She expand our inner life in this World towards the Cosmic Life (through Her Purity and Vastness).” 1.2
“(Salutations to Mother Earth) In Her resides the Four Directions of the World; in Her is contained Food which She manifests when Ploughed. 4.1
She sustains the various Lives living in Her; May She, the Mother Earth, bestow on us the Ray of Life present even in Food.” 4.2
Mother Earth is so generous and compassionate but still her gifts are distributed unevenly and unjustly by her children.
Every 3.6 seconds someone in the world dies of hunger…
Every year 15 million children die of hunger throughout the world…
One of every 8 children under the age of 12 in the United States goes to sleep hungry every night…
For the same price as just a single missile, an entire school of hungry children can eat daily for a period of five years…
Prabhuji’s vision for this program is to render our humble service to mother goddess earth by rescuing food from being thrown away and distributing it to those who need it.
What we do
We are rescuing food and delivering it to those who need it. Currently we serve about 70 households on a weekly basis. Each household receives a minimum of one box (or more, depends on the number of its members) full of fresh fruits and vegetables, diary products and other food items.
Since Covid19 broke in, we are serving in a drive-through format, where people receive the food boxes to their car.
We serve anyone who comes without any discrimination or prerequisites.
The food distribution program is operating every Friday at 11:00 am at the Avadhutashram’s Yard.
Please refer to our facebook page for regular updates and weather related changes.