Video lectures by Prabhuji
Enlightenment as Inherent Presence - Prabhuji
Awake to the authentic life - Prabhuji
The Diamond Sutra - Section 6 - Prabhuji
"Aletheia" - un-forgetfulness - Prabhuji
I and the father are one - Prabhuji
The presence of a name - Prabhuji
Do not search for yourself - Prabhuji
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him - Part 1 - Prabhuji
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him - Part 2 - Prabhuji
Resting in consciousness - Prabhuji
Destroy in order to build: the art of Socrates - Prabhuji
Lost in the concept, blind to the Truth - Prabhuji
Knowing one religion symbolically is to know them all - Prabhuji
Prabhuji Archives: 1998 - if you catch diversity
The Meditative Collapse - Prabhuji
Guided Meditation - You Are Aware | Prabhuji | #meditation #guidedmeditation #conciousness
Hatha Yoga: asana, or “yogic posture” - Prabhuji
Searching for the meaning of life in the other - Prabhuji
Bodily identification - Prabhuji | body and soul
I am aware that I am - Prabhuji
Individuality - Prabhuji | Enlightenment and the ceasing of identification with thoughts
Bhagavad Gita chapter 13 verses 1-4 - Prabhuji
This perception is you - Prabhuji
Intimate Talk with Prabhuji: Waiting with Open Doors
God is not a solution - Prabhuji
No sadhana, no dogma, no "do's and don'ts- Prabhuji
A palace of illusion- Prabhuji
Idolatry - Prabhuji | Exodus 20:4 - "You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image..."
Discipline that is not imposed - Prabhuji
Valuable without a price - Prabhuji | Foundation of spiritual awakening
Your self as solitude- Prabhuji
Hineni, or "See, I Exist" - Prabhuji
Don't recycle pleasures! - Prabhuji
Meditation as the result of your life - Prabhuji
Questions and answers with Prabhuji - #3
Questions & answers about meditation - Part 2 - Prabhuji
Questions and answers about meditation - Part 1 - Prabhuji
Love thy neighbor - Prabhuji | You can't love others if you don’t love yourself | self acceptance
Accepting the mystery - Prabhuji
The master as an eastern phenomenon - Prabhuji
Questions & answers with Prabhuji: No motivation
Questions & answers with Prabhuji: "I"
Awakening and alignment - Prabhuji

Prabhuji shares his vision and teachings with a small group of his close disciples, that live with him in the Avadhutashram. Some of those talks and lectures are filmed and posted on our YouTube channel. Prabhuji speaks about a wide range of spiritual topics and paths, shedding light on them with his unique vision and realization.
We see it as our collective duty to preserve the teachings of Prabhuji and distribute them in various channels and mediums.
Lectures in Spanish:
Heidegger: ser para la muerte - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
El Misterio de la Quietud Interior - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
La iluminación se aleja en la medida que la deseamos | Prabhuji
Así habló Zaratustra - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
Michel Foucault: vida, legado y conexión entre saber y poder - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
Meditación y la Consciencia del Presente: Más Allá del Logro y la Dualidad - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
El sufismo: el camino hacia la unidad divina - Prabhuji (CAPTIONED)
Lectures in Hebrew:
קארל מארקס והאל הפֵטִישׁי - פרבהוג׳י
להתעורר לחיים האותנטיים - פרבהוג׳י
סוטרת היהלום - חלק 6 -- פרבהוג׳י
אַלֵתֵיאָה - הסרת השיכחה -- פרבהוג׳י
Prabhuji's Archives: Yoga Retreat - "I give thanks before you" - 1997 - מודה אני לפניך (CAPTIONED)
מאסטר אמיתי הוא הרסני - פרבהוג'י
להרוס כדי לבנות: האמנות של סוקרטס - פרבהוג׳י
אבודים בַּקונספט, עיוורים לַאמת - פרבהוג׳י
The Prabhuji Archives:
Prabhuji Archives: Moments after a Meeting with Prabhuji (English Subtitles)
Prabhuji's Archives: Yoga Retreat - "I give thanks before you" - 1997 - מודה אני לפניך (CAPTIONED)
Prabhuji's Archive: 1997 - Morning Satsang - Without goals and objectives- (Captioned)
Prabhuji's Archives: Why enlightenment does not happen? - 1997 - מדוע ההארה לא מתרחשת? (CAPTIONED)
Satsang with Prabhuji - 1997 - פרבהוג׳י - סטסנג עם פרבהוג׳י - (CAPTIONED)
Prabhuji Archives: 1996 - פרבהוג׳י - ראגה יוגה, מעבר להכרה (CAPTIONED)
Prabhuji archives: A television Interview with Prabhuji - ראיון טלוויזיה עם פרבהוג׳י (CAPTIONED)
Prabhuji archives: God misses you - אלוהים מתגעגע